Some photos I have taken
San Diego, CA - Jan. 17, 2025
For the Times of San Diego - I took these at a donation drive for people affected by the L.A. fires. It was hosted in the Mission Valley Mall parking lot, where cars snaked along to drop off what they could give. The amount of donations that came in was far more than the site manager expected.
San Diego, CA - Jan. 23, 2025
For the Times of San Diego - These photos were taken at Miller Elementary during a ribbon-cutting ceremony for ‘The Lighthouse,’ a repurposed room for student’s mental health needs. With a student population that is 98% military-connected, the school is looking to accommodate the unique mental health challenges that come along with a parent’s deployment.
Selma, AL - March 5, 2023 - A Far Cry From Finished
Published in Driftwood Creative Arts Journal
Graphic design collection…
This is a poster made for Point Loma Nazarene University’s book and poetry club, the Point Poets Society, advertising Open Mic Nights. I centered this drawing of the sofa we brought to each open mic on the poster. The drawings and design are mine.
My personal photo collection…
Church and State - Vatican City, Italy (2023)
Annabelle’s 20th - San Diego, CA (2022)
lucky charm - San Diego, CA (2022)
Penance - St. Peters Basilica (2023)